Flipping for it: Tampa Bay embraces a resurgent pinball passion | Art Breaker | Creative Loafing Tampahttp://cltampa.com/artbreaker/archives/2015/07/30/flipping-for-it-tampa-bay-embraces-a-resurgent-pinball-passionThe classic analog arcade game is back, for collectors and competitors alike.
Tag: Pinball
Festival to fill Pittsburgh’s ‘biggest hall’ with vintage arcade games
Festival to fill Pittsburgh’s ‘biggest hall’ with vintage arcade games | TribLIVEhttp://triblive.com/news/adminpage/8787831-74/arcade-festival-games#axzz3haYPcOCVThe city is home to PAPA, the Professional Amateur Pinball Association, which hosts the annual World Pinball Championships at its warehouse in Scott. There’s also the vast…
The Parlor Trio: Ben Haehn, David Spasic, Nathan Murray
The Parlor Trio: Ben Haehn, David Spasic, Nathan Murray | Cleveland People | Cleveland Scenehttp://www.clevescene.com/cleveland/the-parlor-trio-ben-haehn-david-spasic-nathan-murray/Content?oid=4610498When Scene arrives at the corner of Detroit and West 65th, the former Yellowcake storefront that soon will be the home of the Superelectric Pinball…
Pinball on rails: Strasburg Rail Road is featuring a moving arcade this summer
Pinball on rails: Strasburg Rail Road is featuring a moving arcade this summerhttp://www.dailyjournal.net/view/story/452f7ecfc81a4d03a0df22f5018dfbd1/PA–Pinball-on-RailsWell, if you board the Strasburg, one of America’s oldest railroads, on weekends between now and Sept. 6, you can find out how steam collides with pinball wizardry and take up…
Marvel’s Ant-Man Pinball Comes to Zen Studios Pinball Platforms this Week
Marvel’s Ant-Man Pinball Comes to Zen Studios Pinball Platforms this Week | Games industry press releases | Develophttp://www.develop-online.net/press-releases/marvel-rsquo-s-ant-man-pinball-comes-to-zen-studios-pinball-platforms-this-week/0208895Zen Studios is excited to release their second table of 2015 based on a Marvel Studios blockbuster film, this one based on Marvel’s Ant-Man! To get people excited for this…
ROAD TRIP: Step back in time at Duncannon landmarks
ROAD TRIP: Step back in time at Duncannon landmarks – Chambersburg Public Opinionhttp://www.publicopiniononline.com/lifestyle/ci_28474006/road-trip-step-back-time-at-duncannon-landmarksDUNCANNON >> Exploring new sights can almost seem like a mini-vacation. Taking a leisurely stroll around a friendly little town, meeting the locals and browsing area businesses can be a fun way to spend a few extra hours.