5 Crazy High Tech Pinball Innovations in ‘Dialed In!’ Pinball Machine – IGNhttp://www.ign.com/articles/2017/04/10/5-crazy-high-tech-pinball-innovations-in-dialed-in-pinball-machineThe latest pinball machine from the makers of The Hobbit machine connects to your phone and much more.
All Pinball News & Events:
Revival of pinball launches top players, a prosperous business
Revival of pinball launches top players, a prosperous business | Local | columbiamissourian.comhttp://www.columbiamissourian.com/news/local/revival-of-pinball-launches-top-players-a-prosperous-business/article_700df022-1f3f-11e7-9234-8352a4111c71.htmlIn the age of high-tech gaming technology, the original arcade game is having a serious comeback. Now, competitive pinball players such as Adam McKinnie and small businesses including The Pinball
The Grid arcade bar opens in Old Town on Tuesday
The Grid arcade bar opens in Old Town on Tuesdayhttp://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2017/04/17/grid-arcade-bar-opens-old-town-lansing-tuesday/100459600/The Grid Arcade & Bar has 30 classic arcade games and pinball machines along with beer, wine and cocktails.
Flip out at pinball exhibit in Elmhurst
Flip out at pinball exhibit in Elmhurst | Life | daily-journal.comhttp://www.daily-journal.com/life/flip-out-at-pinball-exhibit-in-elmhurst/article_435884b6-e475-5998-b746-34bd9d74f8c6.htmlPinball wizards and art aficionados alike will want to hurry to Elmhurst before May 7 to take in “Kings and Queens: Pinball, Imagists and Chicago” at the Elmhurst Art Museum.
Colorado’s world pinball champ is 13 years old
Colorado’s world pinball champ is 13 years oldhttp://www.coloradoan.com/story/news/local/colorado/2017/04/15/colorados-world-pinball-champ-13-years-old/100517212/You may be surprised that there’s a world pinball champion, let alone that he’s from right down the road near Longmont.
Youngest Pinball World Champion Crowned Last Week
Youngest Pinball World Champion Crowned Last Week – Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movie, TV Newshttps://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/04/15/youngest-pinball-world-champion-crowned-last-week/Underneath all the Star Wars news, we have a tournament result we failed to get to you. Escher Lefkoff, a 13-year-old kid from Colorado walked into the Pro