FARGO—The pinball community is growing here in the metro with an international tournament.Sunday afternoon the Fargo Pinball club went head-to-head with a Manitoba league in a “border battle.”
Pinball Leagues
Join Belles & Chimes CLE for their 5th Season of Competitive Pinball at Superelectric Tomorrow
Join Belles & Chimes CLE for their 5th Season of Competitive Pinball at Superelectric Tomorrow | Scene and Heard: Scene’s News Bloghttps://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2018/05/15/join-belles-and-chimes-cle-for-their-5th-season-of-competitive-pinball-at-superelectric-tomorrowAttention all female identifying fans of pinball, Cleveland’s chapter of Belles & Chimes is starting its fifth season tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Superelectric Pinball…
The First Family of pinball: Meet the local wizards behind the game’s huge resurgence
The First Family of pinball: Meet the local wizards behind the game’s huge resurgence | Feature | Chicago Readerhttps://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/roger-sharpe-stern-pinball-chicago/Content?oid=47049643Roger Sharpe once saved the Chicago-born arcade game in the 70s. Now his two children are behind pinball’s latest renaissance.
Jerilee’s Pub now North End Pub has Pinball Leagues
Jerilee’s Pub now North End Pubhttps://www.jconline.com/story/news/2018/04/25/jerilees-pub-now-north-end-pub/545496002/“We have been hosting pinball league tournaments with our pinball machines we’ve gotten in here”
League caters to serious, casual competitors
League caters to serious, casual competitors | Local News | sharonherald.comhttp://www.sharonherald.com/news/local_news/league-caters-to-serious-casual-competitors/article_1ded6660-4446-11e8-96a6-9f8ee23de010.htmlOwner Eric Thomas, graduate of Sharon High School and former US Marine stands next to his pinball machine inside the Retro Arcade which is connected to Vaporosity in downtown…
VIDEO: Chandler woman takes passion for pinball to competitive
VIDEO: Chandler woman takes passion for pinball to competitive l – Arizona’s Familyhttp://www.azfamily.com/clip/14282504/video-chandler-woman-takes-passion-for-pinball-to-competitive-levelA Chandler pinball champ scored big at a world competition and has created two local pinball leagues. [FULL STORY]