Tag: Chicago

The First Family of pinball: Meet the local wizards behind the game’s huge resurgence

The First Family of pinball: Meet the local wizards behind the game’s huge resurgence | Feature | Chicago Readerhttps://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/roger-sharpe-stern-pinball-chicago/Content?oid=47049643Roger Sharpe once saved the Chicago-born arcade game in the 70s. Now his two children are behind pinball’s latest renaissance.

In the late ‘60s there was an explosion at Bally Manufacturing near California and Melrose

In the late ‘50s or early ‘60s there was an explosion at Bally Manufacturing near California and Melrose. Do you have more details? —Adam Baran, Lansing There was in fact a mysterious explosion at the Bally Manufacturing factory in the Avondale neighborhood in 1969. The Chicago Tribune reported that people […]