How to change your Jersey Jack Guns N’ Roses pinball machine snubber rubber in under 5 minutes!!!
USE EXTREME CAUTION. You risk serious damage to your playfield using this method as the metal guards around the scoop can dig into, and damage your playfield if you try to rotate them out of the way.
You can still get in there much faster and easier with this method, but instead of moving the metal guards, an 8mm ratcheting wrench or a small 8mm socket & ratchet will likely be the best approach for fastest completion and minimal risk of damage. *** END OF DISCLAIMER ***
After coming up with the relatively quick under 30 minute method that didn’t require completely removing the upper playfield, I decided to go about it a different way.
All you need to do is remove 2 Philips head screws that hold the scoop, take the scoop out, and take off the 8mm nuts holding the snubber on with an 8mm ratcheting wrench or small 8mm socket. Fast and easy! Then just reassemble.
*** REMINDER – do not move the metal guides that hold the snubbers as I did in the video or you risk serious potential damage to your playfield!!! ***