Report – Play Expo at Braehead Arena Glasgow Events have been running the Play Expo series of gaming festivals across the UK for a number of years now, but this was their first visit to Glasgow with the event. It…
All Pinball News & Events:
Is This the Ultimate Gamer Suite?
Is This the Ultimate Gamer Suite? | TravelPulse a serious gamer, it doesn’t get much better than Sony Playstation4, unlimited pinball and ’round-the-clock pizza delivery.
Bit Bar Debuts This Month in Old Salem Jail With Arcade Games and Doughssants
Bit Bar Debuts This Month in Old Salem Jail With Arcade Games and Doughssants – Eater Boston Bar, a restaurant, bar, and arcade located in the Old Salem Jail at 50 Saint Peter St. in Salem, is slated to open by the end of June 2016 with more than 30 […]
Pinball Museum flips year with Bumper Bash
Pinball Museum flips year with Bumper Bash Roanoke Pinball Museum will commemorate its one-year anniversary Sunday with a tournament.
Fan Recalls The Time Ali Signed His Pinball Machine
Fan Recalls The Time Ali Signed His Pinball Machine millions remember Muhammad Ali, three Lexington men are reminiscing on their special memory with the boxing great. 21 years ago, Muhammad Ali signed a piece of…
Chicago area’s Stern Pinball plunges into virtual reality
Chicago area's Stern Pinball plunges into virtual reality – Chicago Tribune virtual reality headsets, you can climb mountains, perform surgery and drive race cars from the comfort of your own bed. Now an Elk Grove Village-based company is taking a much simpler activity — pinball — into the virtual reality world.