
‘Pinheads’ gather in competition and camaraderie at Madison pinball nights

‘Pinheads’ gather in competition and camaraderie at Madison pinball nights | Entertainment | host.madison.comhttp://host.madison.com/ct/entertainment/pinheads-gather-in-competition-and-camaraderie-at-madison-pinball-nights/article_28553752-8ab2-5125-b253-3f9ebbd2d6df.htmlCompetition and camaraderie are served up in equal parts at Madison Pinball nights.

‘Pinheads’ gather in competition and camaraderie at Madison pinball nights Read More »

Chicago area’s Stern Pinball plunges into virtual reality

Chicago area's Stern Pinball plunges into virtual reality – Chicago Tribunehttp://www.chicagotribune.com/bluesky/originals/ct-stern-pinball-virtual-reality-oculus-bsi-20160608-story.htmlWith virtual reality headsets, you can climb mountains, perform surgery and drive race cars from the comfort of your own bed. Now an Elk Grove Village-based company is taking a much simpler activity — pinball — into the virtual reality world.

Chicago area’s Stern Pinball plunges into virtual reality Read More »

Ernst And Stark Reinforce Computer Graphics Team At Stern Pinball

Nick Montano Nick@vendingtimes.net TAGS: Chuck Ernst, Zac Stark, Stern Pinball Inc., Stern Pinball Game Design Studio, George Gomez, coin-op news, pinball machine WELCOME: Computer graphics designers Chuck Ernst (l.) and Zac Stark have joined Stern Pinball Inc. ELK GROVE VILLAGE, IL — Stern Pinball Inc. has announced that Chuck Ernst and Zac Stark have joined the company’s game

Ernst And Stark Reinforce Computer Graphics Team At Stern Pinball Read More »