Hamilton’s Pinball garage helping feed the hungry

Hamilton's Pinball garage helping feed the hungry | WKRC

Hamilton's Pinball garage helping feed the hungry | WKRChttps://local12.com/news/local/hamiltons-pinball-garage-helping-feed-the-hungry-pinball-garage-barbecue-bbq-brad-baker-shark-tank-menu-community-cincinnati-local-12-wkrc-tristate-ohio-kentucky-indiana-newsHAMILTON, Ohio (WKRC) – Pinball Garage in Hamilton has a reputation as the place to kick back and have some fun, maybe a few drinks and some barbecue. Caption: WKRC. But this arcade hangout is looking to be more than a fun hang. The owner is making a difference in the community for anyone who has had a rough go. They are giving a free, hot plate of food to those who need some relief.