Versus arcade bar and restaurant in Wellesley, Massachusetts

Versus arcade bar and restaurant in Wellesley, Massachusetts

Versus arcade bar and restaurant in Wellesley, Massachusetts Leia watches over pinball players at Versus   My lower back is sore, carpal tunnel syndrome I didn’t know I had is flaring up, and I need to run my sweaty T-shirt through the heavy duty cycle. I’m not complaining though. That’s all  the result of having a great time at the new Versus arcade/bar/restaurant in downtown Boston over the weekend playing everything from Hoop Fever to skee ball to dome-top stick hockey and a bunch of old school video games like Centipede, Galaga and Ms. Pac-Man. Plus lots of pinball, including Aerosmith, Ghostbusters and Iron Maiden. Meal served in a Tetris lunch box Mrs. Swellesley, Swellesley juniors and myself climbed the stairs to Versus on Saturday afternoon not long after the Province Street venue’s 4pm opening that day, and found a lively though not crammed bar full of game players and football game watchers already starting their nights. While Versus is a bar, kids are welcome to play the arcade games until 8pm, too, and we saw plenty of families mixed in with city night-lifers. And why not? For $5, you get unlimited game play. That’s got to be about the best deal in town. You can shoot for the 10,000 point hole in skee ball with…