3ders.org – Tony the pinball wizard 3D prints complete pinball machine with 8.5 km of filament

3ders.org - Tony the pinball wizard 3D prints complete pinball machine with 8.5 km of filament | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing News

3ders.org – Tony the pinball wizard 3D prints complete pinball machine with 8.5 km of filament | 3D Printer News & 3D Printing Newshttp://www.3ders.org/articles/20161107-tony-the-pinball-wizard-3d-prints-complete-pinball-machine-with-85-km-of-filament.htmlTony the pinball wizard and 3D FilaPrint showcased a mesmerizing completely 3D printed pinball machine at TCT 2016 in Denver, made from more than 8,5 km of filament and eighty different materials.